You can audio record your data by reading it into a recorder (a cassette recorder or the recorder on your phone) if you cannot use some of the other methods for preserving it.
This is not the optimal method to preserve your information. Sometimes, however, it is the only way. It is certainly better than doing nothing!
In this case you end up with an audio file containing exactly what you spoke into the recorder. It may or may not be entirely exact depending on how accurately you read the material so take your time and be perfect!
Don't forget also to record all the source information for each information page you are audio-recording. Be sure to include everything - even if you think you won't need it later.
You may want to write it down first so you can record it with the page to be certain you do not omit any source information.
Also, it is much more difficult to do an audio recording for a visual document such as a photograph than it is to read from a page containing only words.
Be sure to play your audio recording back before you consider it done. It is always wise to verify that the recorder worked, that you have all the information correct, that the source information is all there and clear to you, and that it plays back correctly.
After you get home is not the time to discover that the audio record is muffled, undecipherable, or missing entirely!
If you are using a cassette recorder, before you leave home, be certain it works, that you have the power cord and extra batteries, that you have packed multiple tapes of the highest quality for your machine, that you have pencils and paper, that you have labels for the cassettes, and it is all in your luggage for the trip.
Better to go to the store and get what you need, try it all out, and verify that your recording setup will work before you leave home, than discover that you cannot buy the correct size batteries or the proper tapes when you get to your destination.
If you are using your phone to audio record your data, then the same principles apply - make sure your phone is charged, that you have the charging cord with you, and that you have enough free space on your phone.
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