Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

1950 United States Census Questions

Answers to the 1950 census questions in the United States were to be based on the status of households on April 1, 1950. Births, deaths, and marriages after that date were not to be counted in the 1950 census.

This 1950 census about the population of the United States did not ask as many questions as previous censuses had done. The entire population answered only 20 questions. There were supplemental questions for 20% of this population, and a much smaller 3.5 percent of the population answered an additional 5 questions.

Column Question
1 Name of street, avenue or road where the household is located (enumerator supplied).
For the Head of Household (2-6)
2 Home (and apartment number
3 Serial number of dwelling unit
4 Is this house on a farm (or ranch)? (Yes or No)
5 If No in item 4 - Is this house on a place of three or more acres? (Yes or No)
6 Corresponding agriculture questionnaire number
For all persons (7-14)
7 Name of the head of this household?
Names of all other persons who live here?
(List in this order: the Head, his wife, unmarried sons and daughters (in order of age), married sons and daughters and their families, other relatives, other persons, such as lodgers, roomers, maids or hired hands, who live in and their relatives)
8 Relationship of person to the head of the household
(Enter as Head, Wife, Daughter, Grandson, Mother-in-law, Lodger, Lodger's wife, maid, hired hand, patient, etc.)
9 Race
(White (W), Negro (Neg), American Indian (Ind), Japanese (Jap), Chinese (Chi), Filipino (Fil), other race (spelt out))
10 Sex
(Male (M), Female (F))
11 How old was he on his last birthday
(If under one year, enter month of birth as April, May, Dec., etc.)
12 Is he now married, widowed, divorced, separated or never married?
(Mar, Wd, D, Sep, Nev)
13 What state (or foreign country) was he born in?
If born outside continental US, enter name of Territory, possession, or foreign country. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-Other
14 If foreign born, is he naturalized?
Yes, No, or AP for born abroad of American parents)
For persons 14 years of age and over
15 What was this person doing most of last week - working, keeping house, or something else?
("Wk" for working, "H" for keeping house, "Ot" for other, or "U" for unable to work
16 If H or Ot in item 15 - Did this person do any work at all last week, not counting work around the house? (Include work-for-pay, in own business, profession, on farm, or unpaid family work)
17 If N in item 16 - was this person looking for work? (Yes or No)
18 If No in item 17 - Even though he didn't work last week, does he have a job or business? (Yes or No)
19 If Wk in item 15 or Yes in item 16 - how many hours did he work last week? (Number of hours)
If employed (Wk in Item 15, or Yes in item 16 or item 18), describe job or business held last week.
If looking for work (Yes in item 17), describe last job or business
For all other persons, leave blank (20a-20c)
20a What kind of work was he doing? (Occupation)
20b What kind of business or industry was he working in? (Industry)
20c Class of worker
("P" for private employment, "G" for government employment, "O" for own business, or "NP" for working without pay on family farm or business.)
Supplemental Questions for a 20 Percent Sample of the Population (for those people on lines 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29)

For all ages (21-28)
21 Was this person living in the same house a year ago? (Yes or No)
22 If No to item 21, - Was he living on a farm a year ago? (Yes or No)
23 If No to item 21, - Was he living in this same county a year ago? (Yes or No)
If No to item 23 - What county (or nearest place) and state was he living a year ago? (24a-24b)
24a County (or nearest place)
24b State or foreign country
25 What country were his father and mother born in? (Enter US or name of Territory, possession, or foreign country for his father and mother)
26 What is the highest grade of school that the person has attended?
("0" for no school; "K" for kindergarten; "S1" through "S12" depending on the last year of elementary or secondary school attended; "C1" through "C4" depending on the last year of undergraduate college education attended; or "C5" for any graduate or professional school.)
27 Did he finish this grade? (Yes or No)
28 Has the person attended school since February 1st? (Yes or No if under 30 years; check box for 30 or over if he is over 30 years old)
Supplemental Questions for a 3.5 Percent Sample of the Population (for those people on lines 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29)

For persons 14 years of age and older (29-33c)
29 If looking for work (Yes in item 17), how many weeks has he been looking? (Number of weeks)
30 Last year, how many weeks did he do any work at all, not counting work around the house? (Number of weeks in 1949)
Income received by this person for 1949 (31a-31c)
31a Last year (1949), how much money did he earn working as an employee for wages or salary? (Enter amount before deductions for taxes, etc)
31b Last year, how much money did he earn working in his own business, professional occupation, or farm? (Enter net income)
31c Last year, how much money did he receive from interest, dividends, veteran's allowances, pensions, rents, or other income (aside from earnings)
If this person is a family head, - Income received by his relatives in this household (32a-32c)
32a Last year (1949), how much money did his relatives in this household earn working for wages or salary? (Amount before deductions for taxes, etc)
32b Last year, how much money did his relatives in this household earn working at their own business, professional occupation, or farm? (Net income)
32c Last year, how much money did his relatives in this household receive from interest, dividends, veteran's allowances, pensions, rents, or other income (aside from earnings)
If male, did he ever serve in the U. S. Armed Forces during - (33a-33c)
33a World War II (Yes or No)
33b World War I (Yes or No)
33c Any other time, including present service (Yes or No)
34 If worked last year, is there any entry in columns 20a, 20b, or 20c?
If yes, skip to item 36; if no, make entries in 35a, 35b, and 35c.
35a What kind of work did this person do in his last job?
35b What kind of business or industry did he work in?
35c Class of worker (P, G, O, or NP, as in item 20c)
36 If ever married (Mar, Wd, D, or Sep in item 12) - has he been married more than once (Yes or No?)
37 If Mar, Wd, D, or Sep, how many years since this event occurred? (Enter number of years or check if less than one year)
38 If female and ever married (Mar, Wd, D, or Sep in item 12) - How many children has she ever borne (excluding stillbirths) (Enter number of children or check None)

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the US 1950 census questions click here. Use the back arrow to return here after the download.

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