Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

1870 United States Census Questions

Answers to the 1870 census records questions were to be based on the status of households on June 1, 1870.

Column Question
1 dwelling house numbered in order of visitation
2 family numbered in order of visitation
3 name of every person whose usual place of abode on June 1, 1870 was in this family
4 age at last birthday. If under 1 year, give months in fraction e.g., 8/12
5 sex (male(M), female(F))
6 color (white (W), black (B), mulatto (M), Chinese (C), or Indian (I))
7 profession, occupation, or trade of each person, male or female
8 value of real estate owned
9 value of personal estate
10 place of birth, naming the state, territory, or country
11 if foreign-born, is father foreign-born
12 if foreign-born, is mother foreign-born
13 if born within the year, state month (Jan, etc.)
14 if married within the year, state month (Jan, etc.)
15 attended school within the year
16 cannot read
17 cannot write
18 whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
19 male citizen of the United States of 21 years of age or older
20 male citizen of the United States of 21 years of age or older where right to vote is denied or abridged on grounds other than rebellion or crime

Instructions for enumerators:

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the 1870 census questions click here.

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