Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

1830 United States Census Questions

Answers to the 1830 US census questions were to be based on the status of households on June 1, 1830. Note this is a head of household census only as were those before it.

Column Question
none name of county, city, ward, town, township, parish, precinct, hundred, or district where the family resides
none name of head of the family
none number of free white males under 5
none number of free white males between 5 and 9 years
none number of free white males between 10 and 14 years
none number of free white males between 15 and 19 years
none number of free white males between 20 and 29 years
none number of free white males between 30 and 39 years
none number of free white males between 40 and 49 years
none number of free white males between 50 and 59 years
none number of free white males between 60 and 69 years
none number of free white males between 70 and 79 years
none number of free white males between 80 and 89 years
none number of free white males between 90 and 99 years
none number of free white males 100 years and older
none number of free white females under 5
none number of free white females between 5 and 9 years
none number of free white females between 10 and 14 years
none number of free white females between 15 and 19 years
none number of free white females between 20 and 29 years
none number of free white females between 30 and 39 years
none number of free white females between 40 and 49 years
none number of free white females between 50 and 59 years
none number of free white females between 60 and 69 years
none number of free white females between 70 and 79 years
none number of free white females between 80 and 89 years
none number of free white females between 90 and 99 years
none number of free white females 100 years and older
none number of male slaves under 10 years
none number of male slaves between 10 and 23 years
none number of male slaves between 24 and 35 years
none number of male slaves between 36 and 54 years
none number of male slaves between 55 and 99 years
none number of male slaves 100 years and older
none number of female slaves under 10 years
none number of female slaves between 10 and 23 years
none number of female slaves between 24 and 35 years
none number of female slaves between 36 and 54 years
none number of female slaves between 55 and 99 years
none number of female slaves 100 years and older
none number of free colored males under 10 years
none number of free colored males between 10 and 23 years
none number of free colored males between 24 and 35 years
none number of free colored males between 36 and 54 years
none number of free colored males between 55 and 99 years
none number of free colored males 100 years and older
none number of free colored females under 10 years
none number of free colored females between 10 and 23 years
none number of free colored females between 24 and 35 years
none number of free colored females between 36 and 54 years
none number of free colored females between 55 and 99 years
none number of free colored females 100 years and older
none white persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb under 14 years
none white persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb between 14 and 24 years
none white persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb 25 years and older
none white persons in foregoing who are blind
none white persons in foregoing who are aliens - foreigners not naturalized
none slaves and colored persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb under 14 years
none slaves and colored persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb between 14 and 24 years
none slaves and colored persons in foregoing who are deaf and dumb 25 years and older
none slaves and colored persons in foregoing who are blind

In 1830 there were 24 states in the United States (Missouri was new). The Florida Territory also appeared for the first time in the 1830 US census. The losses in the 1830 us census were some county-wide losses in Massachusetts, Maryland, and Mississippi.

In some instances, substitutes for the 1830 US census are available which use existing land and tax records.

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the 1830 US Census questions click here. Use the back arrow to return here after the download.

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